The SIEMAT is established in the state to support the educationol planning,management,conduct research and evalution studies and provide professionol support through various capacity building programmes in these fields. The SIEMAT Uttrakhand has been established through G.O. Anubhag71 (Basic) Letter No.492/xxiv (1)/2005 Dated 25 September2005. SIEMAT Uttrakhand is an apex Institute in the area of educational planning,management resarch-evaluation, counseling and capacity building of educational planners, Executors, Supervisors and the Supporting staff.
The DPEP provided a chance to set up separate institute for education planning and mamagement at the state level. A few states like UP established SIEMAT(State Institute of Educational Management and Training Allahabad). The Decentralized approach of planning and management calls for strengthening of the systems at district,sub district and even at the village level.The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan took up this major DPEP initiative of setting-up of SIEMAT further and provide a one time grant of Rs.3 Crore to the state to establish SIEMAT.
It is in this background the State Institute of Educational Management and Training(SIEMAT) Uttrakhand has also been established in the State Uttrakhand
Smt. Manisha Panwar(IAS)
School Education
Medical Education
Child Development
Women Empowerment
Smt. Radhika Jha(IAS)
Director General School Education
State Project Director RMSA,SSA
Shri. R. K. Kunwar(PES)
Director Academic Research & Training
Employee Detail:- Available on link Employee Detail
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