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"Har Ghar Tiranga"

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Uttarakhand Goverment Portal, India (External Website that opens in a new window), the National Portal of India (External Website that opens in a new window)

Structure and Status of Human Resources


S. No. Post Scale of Pay Sanctioned Post Working Vacant
1 Director
1 1 0
2 Additional Director 37400-67000 1 1 0
3 H.O.D. Planning - Management 15600-39100 1 0 1
4 H.O.D. Research - Evaluation 15600-39100 1 0 1
5 Finance Officer 8000-13500 1 0
6 Computer Programmer 12500 1 1 0
7 Professional 8000-13500 2 2 0
8 Jr. Professional 6500-10500 2 2 0
9 Librarian 5500-9000 1 1 0
10 Computer Operator 4000-6000 2 1
11 Sr. Assistent/Accountant 4000-6000 1 0 1
12 Steno 8730 1 1 0
13 Hostel Superintendent 5000-8000 1 1 0
14 Driver 5366 1 0 1
15 Peon 4486 2 2 0
  TOTAL:-   19 13


  • To impart quality trainning to the educational administrators and functionaries.
  • To provide research based feedback and policy suggestions for the formation, revision and enrichment of education policy.
  • To help in planning and management of projects with mission mode programmes such as the SSA and  Rashtriya Madhmik Shiksha Abhiyan.
  • To provide carrier counseling and short term carrier development programmes for educational administrators.


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