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Policy -Planning and School Leadership Acedemy(SLA)



School Leadership Programme in Uttarakhand

School Leadership Academy under Planning Department of SIEMAT Uttarakhand have been deeply engaged under the Umbrella of National Centre of School Leadership of NCSL (NUEPA) with developing new generation leaders for school transformation through one of its four core functions, the capacity building programmes on school leadership development. The programme through State Resource group formally constituted in all the districts of Uttarakhand. SIEMAT and State Leadership Academy are increasing networking among schools and related resource institutions so as to facilitate meaningful exchange of experiences, lateral learning and shared problem-solving. SIEMAT Uttarakhand is also performing all activities regarding to the programme through its resources, DIETs and non-governmental organizational resources.


The school leadership development programmes cover existing and freshly inducted school principals and administrators as well as senior teacher's i.e. prospective school heads, from elementary to higher secondary levels, functioning in both government and government-aided sectors. Sixteen day model for capacity building programme of school heads is operational across the state. On this connection State leadership academy has also been established in Uttarakhand in order to undertake the tasks of  NCSL, Leadership Academy Uttarakhand will be conducted a One-Month Summer Programme on School Leadership and Management for principals of secondary level.

Objectives of The Programme

Development of the Programme in Uttarakhand

National Centre for School Leadership (NCSL) has identified SIEMAT, Uttarakhand as school leadership academy for School Leadership Development Programme (SLDP). SLDP started in the year 2014-15 in state with following objectives.

  1. 1.   To enhance school leadership for productive and quality education in Uttarakhand.
  2. 2.   To built expertise of school heads in the areas of teaching-learning, personal and professional development innovations in school system.
  3. 3.   To empower local leadership (SMCs, SMDCs VECs, PTAs) and system leadership to contribute to school quality.
  4. 4.   To organize training programme for school heads to built school improvement plan for overall quality education.

In this connection SIEMAT Uttarakhand has constituted state resource group (SRG) comprising of school principals, SCERT faculties, SIEMAT faculties and faculties from DIETs i.e. anchor institutes. SRG members in turn train school heads in following 6 key areas-

  1. 1.   Perspectives on School Leadership
  2. 2.   Developing self (Self Development)
  3. 3.   Transforming teaching learning process
  4. 4.   Building and Leading Teams
  5. 5.   Leading Innovation  
  6. 6.   Leading Partnership

          Identifying the significance of the official and financial management SIEMAT has also added it as 7th key area.

          Since the commencement of this programme SIEMAT has constituted a SRG group of 200 members in order to impart leadership training in cascade modal through its anchor institutes. Nearly 650 Secondary school heads and 2521 Elementary level school heads has been trained through in this programme.

Activities done under School Leadership Academy (SLA)

(A) One day orientation online programme in school leadership on management in Uttarakhand is organised on 18th February, 2017 at Doon University, Dehradun. With the objectives of familiarize the participants programme overview and explain the process of online registration. Following officials have participated in the programme-

(B) Three days sharing and SLDP training module contextualization workshop with DIET Principals and Faculty has organised on 20th to 22nd March, 2017. Six groups are made for contextualization of six following arias of 10 days Leadership Training programme

  1. 1.   Perspectives on School Leadership
  2. 2.   Developing self (Self Development)
  3. 3.   Transforming teaching learning process
  4. 4.   Building and Leading Teams
  5. 5.   Leading Innovation  
  6. 6.   Leading Partnership

          All six groups have made presentation of their relative areas and after group discussion, it has been decided that success stories and other respective training material have been included in training module.

Organizational Structure of SLA

                   Director (Academic Research and Training)

      Additional Director SIEMAT

                              HOD (Policy, Planning and Management)


      Professional (PPM)                               Consultants (02) Under SLA

 Junior Professional (PPM)                    Multi Task Staff (MTS )-01

                                                                                                           Computer Operator





  • To impart quality trainning to the educational administrators and functionaries.
  • To provide research based feedback and policy suggestions for the formation, revision and enrichment of education policy.
  • To help in planning and management of projects with mission mode programmes such as the SSA and  Rashtriya Madhmik Shiksha Abhiyan.
  • To provide carrier counseling and short term carrier development programmes for educational administrators.


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